Nichols Park Minyan is an independent, traditional egalitarian minyan davening in Hyde Park, Chicago.

Chanukah at the limestone rocks. Five people huddle around several sets of candles lit for the third night, faces glowing. Night falls behind the bare trees in the background.

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Chanukah on the rocks at Promontory Point, 5782.

About us

Nichols Park Minyan (NPM) began during the pandemic in the summer of 2020, as a weekday evening minyan in Nichols Park. The community that formed decided to keep meeting even as other in-person options opened back up. 

We continue to grow as a lay-led, volunteer-run community, following in the footsteps of other independent egalitarian minyanim in Hyde Park. We aim to offer empowering and inclusive opportunities for Jewish spiritual practice. While we primarily use Ashkenazi siddurim, we follow the minhag of each service’s prayer leader, celebrating the diversity of liturgical rites in our community. We are intergenerational, multiracial, and queer-normative. We strive to be safe and accessible to members with a diversity of abilities, needs, and foundational Jewish knowledge.

Late summer at the Promontory Point. To the right is a stone building, walled with green glass french doors that open to a tree-shaded patio. A bike leans against the building. Further beyond, grassy hills slope down to a bright strip of aqua-blue la

Promontory Point Field House, High Holidays 5783 & 5785 venue.


Our meeting times and locations change with the seasons, but NPM typically meets on:

  • 2nd & 4th Shabbat mornings of the Gregorian month

  • Jewish holidays

  • Additional days as requested by community members